• 15-DAY

    "Mapping & Releasing Stored Emotions in the Body" Challenge

    Learn everything you need to know about the mental patterns behind

    the pain and discomfort in your body and how to release them.

  • Heal your body + Wake up every morning excited and energized = Thrive in life!

    How often do you think, "If I only knew what's causing this unexplained symptom…"?


    Our mind and body are well connected.


    If something is going on mentally or emotionally, it can manifest in our bodies as pain or discomfort, such as muscle tension, skin rash, weight gain, headaches, ringing in the ears, or some other illnesses.


    In order to eliminate these conditions, you have to find the mental causes and negative thought patterns.


    Have you ever wondered if it's possible to holistically relieve pain?  

  • "Mapping & Releasing Stored Emotions in

    the Body" Challenge is for you if...

    • You know you want to improve your physical wellness but aren't sure where to begin.
    • You are looking for a holistic approach to ease pain other than taking a painkiller.
    • You are interested in learning the mind-body connection.
    • You are open to understanding yourself more deeply while exercising emotional healing.
    • You are ready to feel good mentally and physically so you can thrive, not just survive in life.


    Designed to help you understand yourself more deeply, eliminate

    negative thinking patterns to

    accept and love who you are.

  • How It Works & What You Get

    No 1. Core Curriculum

    "Mapping & Releasing Stored Emotions in the Body" Challenge is designed to not only help you find unprocessed emotions and teach you how to release them but inspire and support you along your journey. Our curriculum is based on giving you the very best tools and techniques to heal your body to thrive in life.

    No 2. Flexible Time Schedule

    We know you are busy so we set up a system for you to choose when to start the challenge. So when you are ready, just click "Start the challenge" on a form in a welcome kit that you receive after completing a purchase.

    NO 3. Daily Reminders

    Once you sign up for the challenge, you will receive daily email reminders about what you are supposed to do that day with the link to access the exercises.

    NO 4. Access to the Full Workbook

    You will have access to the full workbook at the end of the challenge so you can use it for your own mind-body healing journey.

    NO 5. A Free Private Q&A Session

    You can ask questions or request support privately during the challenge and I will assist you via email or Loom. You can also ask for a private 60 minutes session at a discounted price for extra support.

  • What To Expect


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    Exercise 1: Mapping Stored Emotions

    We will learn how to map various probable mental patterns in the body. Our body is a map to the wellness of our mind. As we bridge the mind and body, we can better understand the connection between trapped emotions and physical problems causing pain and discomfort.

    DAY 1: Identify what's wrong with your body.

    DAY 2: Decode the language.

    DAY 3: Learn what your body's symptoms really mean.

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    Exercise 2: Understanding The Language

    We will learn the language that our body uses to communicate with us. Understanding the mind-body language opens the door to start acknowledging what's been buried and suppressed within.

    DAY 4: Find the hidden reasons.

    DAY 5: Acknowledge your emotions.

    DAY 6: Allow yourself to feel your emotions.

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    Exercise 3: Eliminating Limiting Beliefs

    We will learn how to eliminate limiting beliefs about the world, our bodies, our health, and ourselves. Our beliefs create our outcomes so breaking our limiting beliefs is essential to achieving our goals.

    DAY 7: Identify your limiting beliefs.

    DAY 8: Challenge your limiting beliefs.

    DAY 9: Find the root causes of your limiting beliefs.

    DAY 10: Adopt new beliefs.

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    Exercise 4: Forgiving Yourself

    We will focus on forgiving ourselves for not only past mistakes but also how to treat ourselves every day. In order to truly heal, we have to be able to forgive ourselves and cultivate self-love and self-compassion.

    DAY 11: Forgive your past mistakes.

    DAY 12: I'm sorry to myself.

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    Exercise 5: Releasing Stored Emotions

    We will learn what to do physically to release the emotions from our bodies.

    DAY 13: Pick one activity that feels best to you.

    DAY 14: Let's try the activity you chose the day before.

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    Celebration & Takeaways

    DAY 15: We'll acknowledge and celebrate what we've done for the past 15 days. We will also go over the challenge and see what we've learned and how we can implement it in our lives.

  • Hi There!

    I'm Miyu, pronounced "Me-You."


    I'm a certified coach specializes in women's emotional wellness and self-love.


    Over the past 8 years, I've helped women heal their emotional wounds and fall in love with themselves so that they can live happily and fully in the present moment.


    I created this challenge based on my personal journey, years of education, and a compilation of my experiences working with many women.


    I hope it brings awareness to help you find the deeper levels of wisdom and unconditional love that are inherent within you.


    I offer it with love and desire to support you on your mind and body healing journey.




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  • FAQ

    Got Questions? Got Answers!

    Q. What's in the daily reminder emails?

    You'll receive the instruction of what you are supposed to do that day and the link to access the exercises in the workbook. The exercises are in a PDF format so you can save it to your smartphone or computer. You have options to print and fill out with handwriting or open and fill it out on your device.

    Q. When and how do I get access to the workbook?

    After the challenge is over, I'll send you an email with the link to access and download the full workbook.

    Q. Will I be learning about how to treat my condition?

    This challenge is designed to help you recognize the probable mental causes manifesting in your body as pain or discomfort and releasing them by creating a healthy mindset. It's not intended to treat or cure medical conditions.


    If you're looking for a quick fix or not willing to do the work, this challenge isn't for you. If you are open to understanding yourself more deeply and doing emotional healing, then you're in the right place!

    Q. Will this work for me if I'm taking medications?

    Absolutely. The information you get during this challenge doesn't deny the important role of medicine, rather it seeks to work with whatever means of medical or complementary intervention you may choose, so that the healing can take place in a complete way.

    Q. I need to see a doctor but should I wait until I complete the challenge?

    No. Please seek medical supervision before attempting to do anything recommended or alluded to in the challenge. The information you get during the challenge should not replace the opinions of a medical professional. Please read this disclaimer before signing up for the challenge.

    Q. What if I have questions or need some support as we go through the challenge?

    Once you sign up for the challenge, you will receive a form to request a private Q&A session. You can ask us questions regarding the mind-body connection or request support. We will assist you via email or Loom. You can submit the form once.


    You can also ask for a private 60 minutes session at a discounted price for extra support. Both offers expire a month after you start the challenge.


    If you have general questions, you can simply email us at support@miyusudo.com We will respond within 24 business hours.
  • Are you ready to join the challenge?